Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 10-11, Teslin YT

We are officially traveling the Alaska Highway. Contrary to what you may have heard, it is paved and well-maintained. The few gravel stretches were as smooth as the asphalt. The aprons are extra-wide, which allows us to see any critters well before they may dart in front of us. This makes for a relaxing drive. Rock graffiti was along about 40 miles of road north of Watson Lake. We stopped for a short hike to Rancheria Falls. The raised boardwalks on much of the trail kept us from having to scramble over boulders. Very nicely done park miles from anywhere! This butterfly was even prettier than it's picture shows; completely iridescent shades of blue and purple. We stayed in Teslin at the Yukon Motel & RV Park, on the point to the right of the bridge, where Dennis also stayed on his motorcycle trip 6 years ago. They have a free wildlife gallery, stocked with animals that died of natural causes and mounted by a very skilled taxidermist. It was really impressive. We also learned about George Johnston, who had a car shipped into town by barge in 1928, even though he didn't know how to drive and there were no roads. He built his own 3 mile road & drove on the frozen lake in winter.


Anonymous said...

Hi Barb & Dennis
I have been trying to check your blog now & then to see & hear about all the fun things you have been doing but have been going non-stop now for weeks with family & friends in town & a couple of mini vacations Carla & I have taken. So give me a day or two to catch up on all your posting & will all talk soon .... can't wait to look at pictures & read about all your adventures ... talk soon, take & be safe Vinnie & Carla.
P.S. Barb I'll bet you miss your hair dresser !!

Sherry said...

I love your blog - thanks for keeping us up to date! We can live vicariously through you! The pictures are beautiful and your writing is great!!

Dennis and Barb said...

You KNOW that I miss my hair dresser! Seeing a lot of mullets up here, so I'm a little nervous about when I finally have to get it cut. Thanks for the comments. You too Sherry! We miss everyone back home but are having lots of fun.