Dennis enjoyed driving through the countryside and seeing the changing fields as we continued south. Barb doesn't notice these subtleties

quite as much, but the hills and trees were pretty. An interesting wall caught our eye as we drove past it in Concordia KS. We are not able to stop on a dime or turn around easily, but Dennis is a good driver and got us around the next block and back for a second look. It was so interesting that we pulled over to take an even closer look at the Whole Wall Mural, the longest sculpted brick mural in the US. Accord

ing to the w


in the museum, an artist designed templates for each brick in the mural in 2007 and locals were encouraged to help with the carving. The mural was installed in 2009. The bricks are much larger than standard bricks to allow for the depth of the carving. Scenes were chosen based on current and historical activities in Concordia. One scene shows children from the Orphan Train that used to run through town from 1854 to 1929. There was also an Orphan Train Museum that would have been interesting to see but it was closed while we were there. Orphans were sent from large cities to farms in hopes that they would have a better life. Many did, but it sounds like equally as many ended up as indentured servants. The brochure states that one in 25 Americans is connected to an Orphan Train rider. Interesting, and we will definitely stop when we are through there again. This time, however, we had a very important stop in Wichita to visit Sh


rley and her family. We gathered for pizza at Shirley's house with Tammy, Krystle and Herb. Sorry, but Barb forgot her camera. Shirley didn't order delivery on the pizza since Herb would pick it up on his way over. Let's just say, we think he enjoyed his delivery tip! Shirley was up for seeing the Keeper of the Plains statue that night, so off we went. Fires around the statue are lit at 9 each evening. It was really impressive and reminded us of Waterfire that we attended in Providence RI in 2008. C

athy offered brunch at her house the next morning and it was delicious. We had a lovely visit and even got to see Paul - a rare occasion indeed since he is a busy man! Shirley took us on a driving tour through Wichita and visited with us in the RV for the afternoon. We then met up with Cathy, Emily, Wi

lliam and Natalie for dinner. Natalie was dressed in her finest, honoring Princess Kate, and we thought she was even prettier than the new princess. We made a quick stop to see Emily and William's house, which they are doing a fantastic job restoring. Barb had to finally admit that she has not been very kind to Kansas over the years. However, her entire experience has been in the heat and wind riding on the motorcycle in Western Kansas. She knew there had to be a nice part of the state and was glad to finally see it! We

then headed south for an all-too-short visit to Tulsa. We spent the afternoon with Gayle, Tim, Elizabeth, Eden, Amos and Nissi. Elizabeth put out a delicious dinner and we once again ate too much. Eden and Amos were so much fun and showed us their room and toys, but wouldn't let us jump on their beds with them. So, they are cute AND smart! We stopped back at Gayle's house in the evening and attended Barbie's wedding (on video). Josh s

topped in on his way to his security job and scared Barb with his Taser. Maggie is literally a day or so away from giving birth (though you'd never know it by looking at her) and not up to visiting, but she rebounded in the morning and we got together with her, Gayle, Sam & Ben for bagels. We are excited to come back to see Sam when he is 5 and we can all go down the big waterslides! It was a whirlwind visit but so good to see everyone.